9 – 16 August, Zeeland, the Netherlands

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A patchwork deluxe family holiday near the beach is exactly what the summer ordered. Amazing weather, super accommodation, and time to simply live in the moment.

Z’ANDvillas, De Groote Duynen

Andi and I cycled three times, some 150 kms in total. Along the coastline, across bridges and through quaint little Dutch villages. And we were fast. But this kind of fast was okay, because we decided how fast fast should be.

Crossing Rijksweg 57

And we played a round of golf. Can’t say we were amazing, but practice makes perfect. The course in De Goese was lovely. A lot of bunker and lakes though.

De Goese Golf Course

And yoga nearly every morning was a Namasté must.

On the deck, dog!

Living a happy patchwork life is something you can’t take for granted. It is delicate, and requires some gentleness in the execution in saying what you need, don’t want, and must have. We do that very well.
